successful placementsOn this page we present successful placements having been obtained through ESMB. Available placements are announced at the ESMB website, and students/researchers interested in applying for a specific placement contacts our placement secretariat for making the connection between the placement provider and the student. When all formalities have been agreed, the placement may start. For all queries of placements, please contact [email protected]. or [email protected]
Within the framework of the Erasmus programme, the Institute of Marine Biology of Trapani hosted the following foreign students during the year 2022, for training internships. The training and research activities were supervised by Prof. Concetta Messina, hosting tutor and teacher at the University of Palermo, the sending tutor Prof. Claire Hellio and the Marine Biology Institute's staff.
Manon Maillet
Second year student of the international Master’s course in “Marine biotechnology” at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (Université de Bretagne Occidentale). Manon’s internship started the 1st of March 2022 and lasted 5 months. The training project in which she was involved was “Algae/microalgae and marine plant bioactive compounds for cosmeceuticals application” |
Antoine Labat
Second year student of the international Master’s course in “Marine biotechnology” at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (Université de Bretagne Occidentale). Antoine’s internship started the 7th of March 2022 and lasted 5 months. The training project in which he was involved was “Evaluation of Trapani algae and plants extracts bioactivities on cancer, obesity and inflammation” Iannis Boughari Second year student of the international Master’s course in “Marine biotechnology” at the Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer (Université de Bretagne Occidentale). Antoine’s internship started the 1st of March 2022 and lasted 5 months. The training project in which he was involved was “Possible protective effect of Gracilaria sp. against oxidative stress caused by the contaminant BDE 47 on SAF-1 cells” |
Within the framework of the FORTHEM Alliance project (Fostering Outreach within European Regions Transnational Higher Education and Mobility) promoted within the “European Universities” action of the Erasmus programme, in which the University Consortium is involved, the Institute of Marine Biology hosted 2 students
Etienne Bourdon
Second year student of the “Agri food industry” course at the Universitè Dijon Bourgogne FORTHEM Campus (Francia). Etienne’s internship started the 11th of April 2022 and lasted 3 months on “Monitoring the quality of fishery and aquaculture products”. The sending tutor was Prof. Audrey Bentz, while the hosting tutor and teacher at the University of Palermo was Prof. Concetta Messina. |
Agustin Albero Tramoyeres
Second year student of course in “Gastronomic Science” course at dell’University of Valencia. Agustin’s internship started the 28th of February 2022 and lasted 2 months on “Mediterranean fishery products: from tradition to innovation for the promotion of health, gastronomic culture and sustainability”. The sending tutor was Prof. Ana Juan, while the hosting tutor and teacher at the University of Palermo was Prof. Concetta Messina. |
Theodora Ioannou, a student in Bioanalysis from Thessaloniki, Greece, had a successful placement at The Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology in Trapani (University of Palermo) 2018 (see below). For 2019-20 she returned to the host, Dr. Concetta Maria Messina for e new term in Italy.
Download the file below to read Theodora's own story about her background and her second project in the ESMB placement.. ![]()
Angeliki Kostoglou, a 21 years old and student comes from Serres, Greece. She is an undergraduate student in Department of Chemistry of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and found the ESMB network opportunities. She has been an Erasmus+ student in University of Palermo in 2020, doing her traineeship in Laboratory of marine Biochemistry in Trapani.
Download the file below to read Angeliki's own story about her background and her project in the ESMB placement. ![]()
Theodora Ioannou, a student in Bioanalysis from Thessaloniki, Greece, had a successful placement at The Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology in Trapani (University of Palermo) 2018. The host is Dr. Concetta Maria Messina (see presentation below), who is supervising Theodora during her study in Trapani. Download the file below to read Theodora's own story about her background and her project in the ESMB placement. ![]()
The Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology in Trapani (University of Palermo), answered a proposal from Yann Pericot after he had seen a possibility for a placement announced at the ESMB website. Yann Pericot is a 23 year old MSc student of 'Biotechnological valorisation of marine resources' at the European Institute for Marine Studies in Plouzané, France. He is presently conduction his project work in Sicily.
Download the file below and read Yann's story and what he says about the ESMB initiative. ![]()
Dr. Concetta Maria Messina
is the supervisor of Yann while in Trapani |
The Laboratory of Marine Biochemistry and Ecotoxicology in Trapani (University of Palermo, Italy), is active in hosting students from many countries, for practical work in the field of marine biotechnology. The placement offered within ESMB, thanks to the Erasmus scheme, focus on some applications such as: bacterial extremophiles and microalgae cultivation, green extraction of bioactive compounds from marine organisms and by-products, new ingredients for low impacts diets, application for pharmaceuticals, as antioxidants and anticancer agents, nutraceuticals or cosmetics through test in vitro with cell cultures.
lucie going to ireland |
The Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CURAM) at the National University of Ireland, in Galway, posted an opportunity for a research placement at the ESMB website, and Lucie Jouan, an MSc student of marine biotechnology at University of Western Brittany (UBO; Brest, France) sent an application for going to Ireland. An agreement has now been made for a 5-6 months internship in Galway, Ireland.
Download the file below and read Lucie's story and what she says about the ESMB initiative ![]()
The host |
Prof Abhay Pandit will be Lucie's supervisor while in Galway
The Centre for Research in Medical Devices (CÚRAM) is establishing a global hub of research expertise in medical device technology CÚRAM was interested in hosting a student through the European Society for Marine Biotechnology programme as it provides a mechanism to establish mutually beneficial collaborations with leading European laboratories and institutions. This initiative facilitates the merging of marine technologies and drug delivery technologies by exploiting the hierarchical complex surface architecture and geometry of marine based algae as polymeric drug delivery vehicles to provide localised controlled sustained release of biomolecules at the target site of interest for a broad range of clinical targets. The European Society for Marine Biotechnology programme provides Masters students with the opportunity to diversify his/her skill-sets in the field of Marine Biotechnology contributing to the development of a more motivated independent and confident researcher, in addition to providing him/her with an international perspective on research and an international network of collaborators which will prove invaluable for enhancing his/her future career prospects..