NETWORKING and awards
esmb on instagram
ESMB has selected Instagram for communicating on social media..Have a loook and become a follower! Look for esmbmarine.
ESMB on linked-in
ESMB has a specific group for exchanging news, updates, ideas and networking on LinkedIn. This group is open to anyone having a LinkrdIn profile. Please feel free to use this channel for communicating. We presently have more than 500 group members.
ESMB intends to liaise and collaborate with other international organisations within the marine biotechnology area, and has taken up contacts to the following organisations:
IMBA - International Marine Biotechnology Association
JSMB - Japanese Society for Marine Biotechnology
IMBA - International Marine Biotechnology Association
JSMB - Japanese Society for Marine Biotechnology
ESMB members will be present at conferences, workshops and seminars. At many such events ESMB will be presented, networking will be possible, and we aim to recruit more members. Look up this page for finding us, and read about where we have been.
Emerging opportunities and future perspectives
Sultanate of Oman
8 - 9 December 2021
Emerging opportunities and future perspectives
Sultanate of Oman
8 - 9 December 2021
At this conference, the ESMB hosted a “Students Best Presentation” competition, sponsored by Springer. The best oral presentation was selected by a Scientific Committee. The book vouchers of a maximum of 200 euros each and certificates have been attributed to:
Presenter: Jorge Garcia Marquez, University of Malaga, Spain
Presentation title: Cultivated and wild juvenile thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus: a comparison from a nutritional point of view
Presenter: Jorge Garcia Marquez, University of Malaga, Spain
Presentation title: Cultivated and wild juvenile thick-lipped grey mullet, Chelon labrosus: a comparison from a nutritional point of view
Structure, function, ecological role and applications Aveiro, Portugal
Aveiro, Portugal
5 - 8 July 2021
Structure, function, ecological role and applications Aveiro, Portugal
Aveiro, Portugal
5 - 8 July 2021
At this conference ESMB hosted a “Students Best Presentation” competition, sponsored by Springer. Three winners were selected by a Scientific Committee. The book vouchers of a maximum of 200 euros each and certificates have been attributed to:
Oral communications
Jens Boyen | Belgium
Interactive effects of multiple climate drivers on the fatty acid biosynthesis in the harpacticoid copepod Platychelipus littoralis (Crustacea, Copepoda)
Stephanie Bolik | France
Comparison of betaine lipid (DGTS) and phosphatidylcholine properties
Juliette.jouhet(at); Stephanie.BOLIK(at)
Best Student Poster
Ana Regueiras | Portugal
Different extraction methodologies reveal anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties of microalgae species
rurbatzka(at) (Dr. Ralph Urbatzka)
Oral communications
Jens Boyen | Belgium
Interactive effects of multiple climate drivers on the fatty acid biosynthesis in the harpacticoid copepod Platychelipus littoralis (Crustacea, Copepoda)
Stephanie Bolik | France
Comparison of betaine lipid (DGTS) and phosphatidylcholine properties
Juliette.jouhet(at); Stephanie.BOLIK(at)
Best Student Poster
Ana Regueiras | Portugal
Different extraction methodologies reveal anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties of microalgae species
rurbatzka(at) (Dr. Ralph Urbatzka)
At this conference ESMB granted two awards to young scientists for the best poster presentations, again, sponsored by Springer Publishers. The award winners are presented below.
Cora Hertzer
Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Bonn Presentation title: Chromodoris Sea Slugs (Nudibranchia, Gastropoda) and the Resistance Mechanism That Allows Sequestration and Storage of Latrunculin A Catia Sofia Da Silva Vilas Boas Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto Presentation title: Immobilization of a new eco-friendly antifouling agent in commercial marine coatings |
ESMB presented two awards for young scientists at this conference, one for the best oral presentation, and one for the best poster.
Best oral presentation award was presented to
Marc Long School of Chemistry, University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia; Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Environnement Marin (LEMAR), UMR 6539 CNRS UBO IRD IFREMER – Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer, Technopôle Brest-Iroise, Rue Dumont d’Urville, 29280 Plouzané, France *Email : [email protected] Title of presentation: Allelopathic exudates from the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum modify membrane lipids composition of the diatom Chaetoceros sp. Best poster award was presented to Daniela Bárcenas-Pérez 2Laboratorio de Biotecnología de Microalgas. Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste (CIBNOR). La Paz, Baja California Sur, México. *Email: [email protected] Title of presentation: Induction of carotenogenesis in the Dunaliella salina strain (Chlorophyta) isolated from Guerrero Negro, Baja California Sur, Mexico. |
2nd Biotechnology World Symposium and 11º Encuentro Nacional de Biotecnología del IPN
San José del Cabo, BCS, Mexico
16 - 20 October 2018
2nd Biotechnology World Symposium and 11º Encuentro Nacional de Biotecnología del IPN
San José del Cabo, BCS, Mexico
16 - 20 October 2018
During this congress ESMB granted three awards for poster presentations to young scientists.
Cristina Landa-Cansigno
Title of presentation: Screening of seaweeds from selected areas of Veracruz rockyshore, Mexico, as potential sources of inhibitors of digestive hydrolase enzymes. José Manuel Mendoza-Alcalá Title of presentation: Cytotoxic activity of the ascidian Distaplia stylifera. Karla María Gutiérrez-Almada Title of presentation: Antibiofilm potential of shallow hydrothermal vents-associated marine bacteria. Unfortunately, Karla Maria could not be present during the award ceremony. Erika Guadalupe Rico Virgen received the certificate on behalf of her. |
During the 19th Congress in marine corrosion and fouling ESMB gave two prizes for young marine bio-technologists. There were many qualified young researchers that gave interesting presentations. The selection committee selected awardees based on the quality of work, clarity of presentation, originality and novelty of the study, as well as ability to present findings to general public.The best oral presentation was given to Ms. Suvarna Talluri (left picture below) for her talk entitled "Adhesion strategies of cyanobacteria on photobioreactor materials". She is from Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering of South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, USA. The best poster presentation was given to Ms Cindy Beyer (right picture below) for her presentation entitled "Low-fouling peptide sequences with resistance to marine biofouling organisms". She is from Analytical Chemistry Biointerfaces Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany.The awards were kindly provided by Springer. The awards were given on behalf of the society by Dr. Sergey Dobretsov
31 October - 1 November 2017
Al Faham Stage, SQU Cultural Center, Muscat, Oman
31 October - 1 November 2017
Al Faham Stage, SQU Cultural Center, Muscat, Oman
At this major conference, gathering 160 participants from 23 countries ESMB issued three awards, one for the best oral presentation, and two for the best poster presentations. The awards were presented as Springer Publishing Co. vouchers. ESMB is again grateful to Springer making these vouchers available as awards. The award committee was Prof. Grant Burgess, Prof. Claire Hellio and Dr. Sergey Dobretsov.
The award winners in pictures from left to right:
Oral presentation: Ms. Cassy Bakshani, Newcastle University, UK, for the presentation
"Novel microbial enzymes for low environmental impact cleaning"
Poster presentation: Ms. Muna Al Hinai, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, for the presentation
"Toward biofouling inhibition of poly(ether sulfone) membranes by in situ growth of ZnO nanorods"
Poster presentation: Mr. Surendraraj Alagarsamy, Kuwait Insitute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, for the presentation
"Bioprospecting of halophilic bacteria from Kuwait sabkha".
In all pictures the award committee members are shown together with the winners.
Oral presentation: Ms. Cassy Bakshani, Newcastle University, UK, for the presentation
"Novel microbial enzymes for low environmental impact cleaning"
Poster presentation: Ms. Muna Al Hinai, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, for the presentation
"Toward biofouling inhibition of poly(ether sulfone) membranes by in situ growth of ZnO nanorods"
Poster presentation: Mr. Surendraraj Alagarsamy, Kuwait Insitute for Scientific Research, Kuwait, for the presentation
"Bioprospecting of halophilic bacteria from Kuwait sabkha".
In all pictures the award committee members are shown together with the winners.
ESMB present at
Les Huitièmes Journées Scientifiques Internationales sur la Valorisation des Bioressources, BIOLIVAL 2017, 5-7 Mai 2017
Monastir, Tunisie
At this conference ESMB issued three student awards, one for the best oral presentation, and two for excellent e-poster contributions. The awards were presented as Springer Publishing Co. vouchers. ESMB is again grateful to Springer making these vouchers available as student awards.
Loubna MEKDADE being presented the award for the best oral presentation at the conference. The title of her presentation is: "Etude de l’effet antioxydant et anticancéreux d’extraits de la microalgue marine Nannochloropsis gaditana." The two awards for excellent e-poster presentations. Left: Mohamed Lamine HADDADI for presentation "Ecologie du crabe honteux du bassin algérien" Right: Amal ABDELHAMID for presentation "Antioxidant potential and anti-inflammatory activity of marine polyphenols from three mediterranean brown seaweed." |
The 8th International Conference on Marine Bioprospecting took place in Tromsø, Norway 8-10 March 2017. The conference gathered nearly 200 participants and had four scientific sessions, two pre-conference workshops and an extensive poster presentation area. Some posters were also allowed time for brief oral presentations.
ESMB contributed to two student awards, which paid some of the expenses for participating in the conference, and thanks to Springer Publishing Company, two student award vouchers were presented, one for the best poster and one for the best oral poster presentation (click photos below to get large image and picture caption).
ESMB contributed to two student awards, which paid some of the expenses for participating in the conference, and thanks to Springer Publishing Company, two student award vouchers were presented, one for the best poster and one for the best oral poster presentation (click photos below to get large image and picture caption).

PhD Awards - The 6 PhD students receiving their awards. In order from left to right:
1. Maria Lígia Sousa, CIIMAR-University of Porto, Portugal
2. Andrea Muras, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3. Ernest Oppong-Danquah, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Germany
4. Fortunato Palma Esposito, Institute of Protein Biochemistry, National Research Council, Italy
5. Annarita Ricciardelli, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
6. Christian Galasso, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
1. Maria Lígia Sousa, CIIMAR-University of Porto, Portugal
2. Andrea Muras, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3. Ernest Oppong-Danquah, GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research, Germany
4. Fortunato Palma Esposito, Institute of Protein Biochemistry, National Research Council, Italy
5. Annarita Ricciardelli, University of Naples "Federico II", Italy
6. Christian Galasso, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Italy
successful presentation of esmb in tunis
Board Member Concetta Maria Messina successfully presented ESMB at the final meeting of the EU-IEVP-Italie-Tunisie project BIOVECQ the 18-19th April 2016. A picture with participants and the ESMB poster is shown below.