EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters |
The objective of Mission Ocean and Waters is to restore the health of our ocean and waters by 2030. This Mission is strategically aligned with the European Union's targets for 2030, which include protecting and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity, reducing pollution to zero, and working towards decarbonization and lower net greenhouse gas emissions to achieve climate neutrality in the EU's marine environments.
Cross-cutting enabling actions will support this objective, in particular broad public mobilisation and engagement and a digital ocean and water knowledge system, known as Digital Twin Ocean. The Mission supports regional engagement and cooperation through area-based “lighthouses” in major sea/river basins: Atlantic-Arctic, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic-North Sea, and Danube-Black Sea. Mission lighthouses are sites to pilot, demonstrate, develop and deploy the Mission activities across EU seas and river basins. Click here for more information about what this mission is, how it will work, how it was chosen, meetings, news, events. |
election of ESMB board 2024-2025
An election for the board of ESMB in charge for the period 2024-2025 was carried out in January 2024. Elected members are presented on the page BOARD MEMBERS ESMB 2024-2025.
European Congress of Marine Biotechnology (ECMB2023)
The European Society of Marine Biotechnology and the University of Malaga (UMA) are happy to share the outcome of the European Congress of Marine Biotechnology (ECMB2023), which has been held at the Faculty of Science of UMA, Malaga, Spain from the 22th to the 24th of November 2023. The topics addressed included: Marine Biodiversity, Sustainability, and Chemical Ecology; Aquaculture Biotechnology; Biofouling and Antifouling; Marine Genetics and Bioinformatics; Algae Biotechnology; Marine Natural Products and Biopolymers; Marine Foods and Feeds; Marine Nutraceutical, Pharmaceutical, and Cosmeceuticals; Bioremediation and Marine Organisms for Biocontrol in Agriculture; Biotechnology Regulation: New Challenges for the Blue Economy.
Please visite the section Activities for further details.
Please visite the section Activities for further details.
new webinar ready for watching
The ESMB webinar presented 28 November 2022 was recorded and can now be watched as a u-tube video. Please consult our webinar site for obtaining link or whatch it directly.
3-days Advanced Training course in Marine Biotechnologies (January 2023)
A new training course on “Blue Bio-refinery technologies":supported by the ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy is open for applications. Please consult our training site for more information.
international Summer school of blue biotechnology (ISSBB)
The 1° Edition of this summer school is announced in Naples 21-23 September 2022 at Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn, Naples, Italy.
Please find further details under Training in our website.
Please find further details under Training in our website.
master course in marine biotechnology
Second call for the Joint Master Programme in Marine Biotechnology - EU-CONEXUS now open.
Erasmus Mundus Grants Available. Apply until 31 May 2022
Erasmus Mundus Grants Available. Apply until 31 May 2022
membership registration now possible
A new system for registration of membership to ESMB and payment of membership fee has now been installed. Please look up the membership registration site to read about how to register.
new ESMB webinar may 2022
A new webinar in the ESMB webinar series 2022 is announced on our webinar site. The webinar will be presented live 24 May at 14:00 CEST. Our two new board members, Giovanna Romano and Renata Denaro will each make a presentation. The webinar will be recorded and afterwards posted on youtube for delayed watching.
change of esmb website contents
The ESMB website has been slightly changed, and we regret to inform you that some features are not available as they were before. This applies to the membership registration system and payment options. We are working to install a new system and regret the inconveniences occuring while waiting for this to be installed.
Another change is that vidoes from previous webinars are not available directly on this site, but may be watched by applying the videolinks provided for watching at youtube.
Finally, a new system for members to freely access the contents of our official journal, Marine Biotechnology, will also be launched. We are sorry for all these inconveniences, and hope to welcome present and new members soon.
Another change is that vidoes from previous webinars are not available directly on this site, but may be watched by applying the videolinks provided for watching at youtube.
Finally, a new system for members to freely access the contents of our official journal, Marine Biotechnology, will also be launched. We are sorry for all these inconveniences, and hope to welcome present and new members soon.
election of new board
A new board for the ESMB has been elected for the period 2022-23. Please look up the Board members 2022-23 to find the new board presented.
on-line esmb mini-symposium
An on-line mini-conference for students in marine biotechnology was hosted on Friday 26/11/2021,
it is with regret we announce the loss of one of our founding fathers, Prof. Yves Le Gal. The obituary can be read here
esmb launches fourth webinar
A new webinar was hosted 22 April 2021 at 14:00 CET.
Title: From Sustainable Resources to novel marine nutraceuticals for the management of Metabolic Syndrome- SuReMetS project presentation
Guest Speaker: Professor Jeanette Hammer Andersen, University of Tromsø, Norway.
Title: From Sustainable Resources to novel marine nutraceuticals for the management of Metabolic Syndrome- SuReMetS project presentation
Guest Speaker: Professor Jeanette Hammer Andersen, University of Tromsø, Norway.
placement service is again open
As the COVID-19 pandemic created a lot of restrictions in 2020, and still are affecting many activties, the ESMB placement service was temporarily suspended. It is our hope that most restrictions may be lifted later this year. We have thus opened the placement service again, and will encourage planning of placements for the academic year 2021-22 to start now. It takes time to secure funding and to obtain agreements with the host. Further information here.
newsletter published
ESMB publishes newsletters regularly. If you are a member, you will receive the newsletter by e-mail. Non-members can download the most recent newsletter here.
training course on blue biotechnologies
Training course on Blue Biotechnologies, jointly organised by BlueMed CSA and the BlueBio ERANET COFUND, open for applications.
March 15-19, 2021 at CNR-IRBIM (Messina, Italy)
Please check details under Education offers.
March 15-19, 2021 at CNR-IRBIM (Messina, Italy)
Please check details under Education offers.
The ESMB Webinar Series will be inviting guest speakers from around the globe, to present their work which is linked with the exciting field of Marine Biotechnology. Topics will range from wood-eating animals and their biotechnological potential, to plastic degrading enzymes, microbe-deriving bioactive compounds, aquaculture and biofouling and many many more. We hope this Webinar Series will act as a platform for promoting and further enhancing collaborations while offering a window to new developments and stimulate interesting scientific conversations.
new frontiers research topic
The Journal "Frontiers in Marine Science" launched a call for international experts to contribute to an open-access article collection on: "Ocean Sciences and Ethics"
esmb on social media
Looking for ESMB on social media? We have selected Instagram as one of our communication channels. Please also try our LinkedIn group, where we presently have more than 500 group members. This group is open to anyone wanting to communicate and network on marine biotechnology.
ESMB, together with University of Malaga (UMA), will host the European Congress of Marine Biotechnology at the Faculty of Science of UMA, Malaga Spain. For further information and details, please see the conference website.
ESMB is proud to present a new logo for the society. A competition for designing a new logo was launched for students as part of a course in "brand marketing" at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences in the study programme "Intermedia & Marketing" at Hochschule Flensburg. Several proposals were presented to the ESMB Board, which made some suggestions for minor adjustments before the final result was professionally set into graphic files by the graphic designer of the university, Bärbel Ballaschke. The new logo will be officially used in all documents and on the website. The winners of the logo competition: Josephine Friedel and Leo Struve (clicking on photos enlarge them).
ESMB shall announce that the society is performing an initiative to help Masters/MSc and PhD students to find Marine Biotechnology related Research and Work placements within Europe. Such placements, if planned for a minimum duration of three months, can be supported by Erasmus grants. Other funding sources may also be applied.
You will find more information at our "Research Placement page".
For hosts: If you are willing to host student(s) to work in your lab, your company, along side your post-docs, R&D employees, etc. please send us the following information
- your name and institution address
- title of a potential project/activity
- key pre-requisites
- duration (with approximate dates)
If you are a student interested to participate to the scheme, please send us the following information
- your name and university course
- expected placement : duration (with approximate dates) & topic
- cover letter and reference letter (embed in submission form)
Successful placement stories and more info is found here
ESMB shall announce that the society is performing an initiative to help Masters/MSc and PhD students to find Marine Biotechnology related Research and Work placements within Europe. Such placements, if planned for a minimum duration of three months, can be supported by Erasmus grants. Other funding sources may also be applied.
You will find more information at our "Research Placement page".
For hosts: If you are willing to host student(s) to work in your lab, your company, along side your post-docs, R&D employees, etc. please send us the following information
- your name and institution address
- title of a potential project/activity
- key pre-requisites
- duration (with approximate dates)
If you are a student interested to participate to the scheme, please send us the following information
- your name and university course
- expected placement : duration (with approximate dates) & topic
- cover letter and reference letter (embed in submission form)
Successful placement stories and more info is found here